Sunday, April 27, 2008

Day 7

The end of my first week. This is still a raw food day, tomorrow I can start adding cooked foods again. I feel pretty alright, not fantastic but ok. I have lost a couple of pounds but nothing I can't gain back quickly enough. My skin looks and feels fantastic and my eczema is almost although not completely gone and my teeth seem whiter too. I still have some aching in my joints although I'm starting to think that maybe it has nothing to do with the cleanse but some acupuncture I had a few weeks ago. I'm seeing him again on Wednesday so I'll check in with him on that. I'm still feeling a little light headed, maybe just not grounded. I miss cooked food. I could never be a raw foodist, it's too extreme for me, but I can see the benefits for a short period of time. I don't eat red meat but I'm sure looking forward to having a yummy veggie burger!

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