Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Well, I have officially stopped my cleanse. I decided on Day 8 that I needed to end it. I was getting some pretty clear messages from my body that continuing was not going to be beneficial to my health. I was feeling very ungrounded and weak and that's a feeling I couldn't tolerate. So although I am still eating healthy, taking my cleasning herbs and eating plenty of raw foods, I am no longer cleasning. I had an appointment with my acupuncturist and discussed it with him. He's treating me for fibroids as well as a couple of other things. He told me that my energy was too low and that my organs weren't strong enough at the moment to do this cleanse. I know that sounds a bit strange but from a Chinese Medicine point of view it just means that the chi (energy) is not flowing freely throughout the body. The chi gets 'stuck' sometimes in certain areas which affects the organs associated with that part of the body. This is what leads to 'disease'. Acupuncture helps to free up the chi and allow it to flow freely. He affirmed what I already knew about discontinuing the cleanse but it still helped me to feel better about my decision.

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