Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Day 3

I've had a few questions from people on why I'm actually doing this cleanse so I thought I'd address that. My mother tells me I don't need to lose any weight so why am I dong this? Well, not to lose weight that's for sure. Yes, I may lose a couple of pounds but they will be easy to gain back. The purpose of the cleanse is to purify the body and aid in the removal of toxins that contribute to many types of ill health, to quote my handout from Savayda. It also helps to rebalance or regulate the acid/alkali state of the body. It is also good to initiate a weight loss program if that is something you feel you need to do but will only work if you continue the whole foods diet after the cleanse. There are many different types of cleanses and this one is designed to give the digestive system a break by not having to work too hard by digesting foods in their raw form. The cleanse also includes some herbal tinctures, teas and powders that aid in elimination and ensuring you get plenty of vitamins and minerals. The foods that we are eating extremely nutritious and healthy so there is no fear of depriving the body of anything.

Well this is the challenging part of the cleanse for me. The next three days are what are called the mono food part of the cleanse. Three days of only one food choice. Today I chose apples which means throughout the day I can only eat apples. I can eat them juiced, pureed with water or just sliced but they have to be raw. So no apple sauce which I love. And I have to eat approximately 5 lbs of them. I assume by the end of the day I will never want to see another apple. Apples are recommended for constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, diverticulosis and colitis. I chose apples from the list of foods because they are easy enough to get organic this time of year and I figured they'd be easy enough to consume for a whole day. I don't find them particularly filling though so it shouldn't be hard for me to eat 5 lbs of them. I will be back later to tell you how I did.

Later: Yes, this was a difficult day. It started out great, I actually woke feeling energized and clear. I did some yoga and some Kum Nye which is a routine I do most mornings although I haven't been this week because you need a fair amount of strength. I felt really strong though and although I rested in between poses I felt great after. I found out that although I don't hate apples I really don't like them enought to eat that many in a day. The problem for me was that I got tired of eating so much sweet food. I did get hungry because I would put off eating until I had to. Drinking was no problem and I drank a lot of unpasteurized apple cider. I was a bit crankier today too. I felt some old stuff come up that I just needed to get rid of.

Here are a few quotes sent to me by Savayda on fasting:

The freedom and ease you discover during fasting enables you to discover new undreamed depths to the meaning of life. Herbert Shelton

Dine with little, sup with less: do better still, sleep supperless. Ben Franklin

The body is the soul's house. Shouldn't we take care of our house so that it doesn't fall to ruin? Philo, Alexandrian Philosopher

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

hi flo,
thanks for sharing....this is the same cleanse that Savayda wanted me to do...but i knew that i could not do it and work....i'm on day 4 now...only able to fast 11 to 13 hrs but will start the cleansing tea tomorrow!