Monday, April 21, 2008

Day 1 - Raw Food Cleanse

We kicked off our 3 week cleanse yesterday by going for a 3 1/2 hour sweat at a sweat lodge on the property of Earthsea which is near Lunenburg. It's a fantastic place, which has unfortunately been sold so I don't believe the sweats will be continuing at that location. Earthsea was originally founded as an eco village in the late 90's and then shifted to a Shamanic Society and although the property has been sold the previous owners have continued to do sweats until the new owners take possession. The whole experience was pretty intense and long but felt cleansing and healing. I had been to a Native American sweat before but this was Celtic and differed slightly especially in length. It was a great way to initiate a cleanse and it was nice to be able to share it with the women from my herb class. It was open to anyone who wanted to attend so Natasha joined us as well as some others from the community.

Today I awoke to begin the raw food part of the cleanse. There is no shortage of food, you can eat as much as you want as long as it's in raw form. I have to say I absolutely love a good salad and I eat vegetables with all meals but I'm just not big on raw foods...except in the middle of the summer. So, why am I doing this then you ask? Well, because I trust Savayda, my herablist, and I know that if I can get through this that it will alleviate some of the health issues that I've had as of late. I have cleansed before although never successfully so this is a real leap of faith for me. It helps that my women friends are on this journey with me, I am definitely not al one. So, I ate a ton of vegetables and fruit today and by the end of the day I was feeling pretty irritable, downright cranky if you ask Hannah. Which brings me to the the children who are doing the cleanse with me although not as intensely. They each had a slice of spelt toast for breakfast and then raw food for the rest of the day. I believe Josiah picked up a parasite while we were in Mexico so this will be good for him while I'm treating his tummy upset. Hannah and I prepared a huge and beautiful salad for dinner with everything we could think of to put in it. She and I ate two big bowls while Josiah picked out certain favourites and left the rest. He finished off with an apple and a big glass of apple cider. I noticed in the morning that my head felt a little 'spacey' which I attributed to the sweat although I'm sure I'll be feeling that again by Day 3. I wouldn't say that I am feeling hungry but I do feel like my body could stand a little more food just not the raw kind. So one day is over, 20 more to go!

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