Sunday, April 01, 2007

To blog or not to blog?! I wish I had more time to spend here. Unfortunately with Art away, I feel pulled in so many different directions that I have to prioritize my days and weeks efficiently. I feel most creative at night but I need at least 9 hours of sleep in order to function on my own with the kids so my creative pursuits end up on the back burner. Whenever I sit down to do anything, Josiah is climbing up into my lap so most of my waking days are spent standing. It's no wonder I need so much sleep at night! Excuses are just blocks and they both need to be eliminated!

Things have been disappearing from around the house lately and I don't know if that's because I'm so distracted by all the things I have to do in a day or if Josiah has somehow been involved in their disappearance. Since Christmas I have lost my iPod, a beautiful wool hat I bought in PEI, my digital camera and just last week a brand new package of unopened underwear for Hannah. I am completely at a loss. I have looked everywhere they could possibly be and this place isn't that large so misplacing things is no easy task. In my entire lifetime, I have never lost or misplaced permanently anything of significant value so this is definitely a record year. Josiah, being almost two, does have a habit of putting things in odd places including the garbage can so I can only assume that these things will either never be seen again or will show up when we finally move. Most of them can wait, but having children I really do need my camera. I still have my old 35 mm but with the age of technology I have become completely reliant on being able to upload my pictures onto my computer and then being able to manipulate them from there. I will wait until Art gets home and maybe a fresh pair of eyes and brain will be able to locate it. If not we will then have to make a decision about buying a new one. I told Art about it but I'm not sure he took me that seriously. He kept telling me that my iPod would show up but that was four months ago.

I have been busy with something that is not directly related to the kids these days. I started a home-based business with a company called Mannatech. For the past year I had been involved with selling Watkins which I think most people are familiar with. I had started the business because to be honest, Art and I were looking for something that could provide us with some income tax benefits and owning your own business is a good place to start. I liked the products and the company has such a reliable name. Well, last summer when we were travelling in BC I met a lovely woman, Sharon Cashin, whom I instantly connected with. I was looking for vitamins for the kids that were sugar and color free and she introduced me to Mannatech. The kids tried the vitamins and seemed to love them. The company was in the process of revamping the children's products and removing the refined sugar. I made a mental note and decided that I would look into it more once we were settled at home never thinking about becoming involved with the company, in fact at the time I didn't even realize that the products were from a home-based business. In October, the Cashin's were in Nova Scotia and came for a visit. I mentioned to Sharon that I was interested in purchasing the vitamins for the kids and then also mentioned that I had been searching for a skin care product for myself that was completely natural. Sharon told me that Mannatech was about to launch a new skin care line in North America that was anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, colorant-free, fragrance free, anti-aging and alcohol free. The product has been available for the past year in Japan and has had a huge response which is pretty impressive considering Japan is one of the most competitive skin care markets in the world. I decided to do some research and check out the company and products and within a month decided I wanted to be involved in this fabulous opportunity. Sharon sent me a sample pack of the skin care and after using if for a short period of time I realized I loved it. Although I consider myself pretty knowledgeable about the natural health industry I know I still have an awful lot to learn. So, any spare time I have lately has been focused on trying to educate myself on vitamins and Mannatech. I am including a link in the sidebar to my webpage, feel free to check it out. Great company, great products, I'll be talking about it a lot in future blogs I'm sure.

I am still teaching yoga at the high school and as we get closer to the end of the school year I realize how much I'm going to miss it. It has been a great experience teaching teens. Although there was a huge response when we advertised that the school would be offering yoga it has been challenging to get the kids into the class and keep them there. They love it once they try it but it's offered in a time slot when so many other extra-curricular activities are going on that they feel like they cannot commit to coming regularly. I feel like it should be offered as part of their curriculum. Too bad we're just not that enlightened yet. Nova Scotia doesn't even have a school board at the moment so there isn't even anyone to approach to suggest it. We still have a couple of months to go so I'm going to relax and enjoy what is left of it and hope that it will be on the program for next year as well. Well, that's my news for now.

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