Sunday, July 22, 2007

Summer is underway but we're still on our own. Art was home for a week but it was a whirlwind as most of it was centered around his highschool reunion which turned out to be a lot of fun. I wasn't really looking forward to it, I didn't go to my own reunion because I never really enjoyed highschool, but he dragged me along. We graduated from the same school so I knew a few people and there were other wives along for the ride. It was a lot of fun to watch people reconnect with one another after so many years. Some people allowed alcohol to get the better of them but all in all it looked like everyone enjoyed themselves. I've included a few pics which I got from the classof 87 website. Someone took this nice picture of Art and I and you'll notice under Art's arm one of the door prizes which yours truly won, a digital picture frame.

These are a couple of pictures of Art chatting with a few friends, some local some from away with Gordon and I in the background.

Art will be home to stay at the beginning of August. We still don't know the official date yet but he will be home for at least two months and now it is looking more like three.
I had a wonderful thing happen to me this summer. I have reconnected with a friend of mine from junior high school, Heather Campbell. We haven't spoken in about 10 years but she found my brother through Facebook and we are back in touch. We were absolutely inseparable when we were teenagers but she moved away to Ontario just before high school and although we kept in touch life ended up getting in the way and we drifted apart. I'm so thrilled she looked me up though and we've managed to get caught up on all that's happened over the past ten years.

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