Sunday, October 15, 2006

A Brand New Look!

I've missed updating my blog! You'll notice that things look a little different. I decided to give the site a new look and update my profile. I thought about changing the name of the blog too but then opted not to. I think it's a good name. We have been busy reestablishing a routine now that we're home and I haven't actually had a lot of spare time to blog but I think about it a lot. So that was enough to make me decide that I should continue...when I get the opportunity that is. I think I will send out a new email to family and friends to let you guys know that I've decided to keep this up and if you're interested drop by from time to time to see what's new. Life is really never dull, it's all about perception.

Art was home for his two weeks and is gone again. The time goes by quickly...too quickly. His grandfather died 2 days after he got home so the first week was really busy for us. The next week was spent doing all those things that have been neglected for 2 months so it went by quickly as well. Gordie's new girlfriend, Nadine, came up from Atlanta. We have all been pretty excited to meet her. He's been spending a week in Atlanta and then a week home in Nova Scotia. She's lovely and we all tried to convince her she should move to Canada. She's an RN studying to be a nurse practioner. We tried to impress upon her the need for health care workers up here, hopefully it worked. Unfortunately, her first trip here didn't start out as a great experience. Her plane (Air Canada) ran into some trouble and she ended up spending a night in Toronto and then they misplaced her luggage. The weather was beautiful though so here's hoping that left a better impression. Art left on Thanksgiving, so the children and I are on our own again. We made the decision to homeschool Hannah this year so between that, piano lessons, karate, ballet and Sparks things are pretty busy. Why homeschooling, people ask. Especially considering our living arrangements, I guess it seems like a lot being on my own. People homeschool for different reasons and I can't speak for anyone but us. It gives me the freedom to go back out west at some point this winter if we decide to but I also like being more in charge of what Hannah is learning too. There are lots of other personal reasons as well and maybe most of them too political for here. What I have never been concerned about is socialization although that seems to be the biggest concern for everyone else. I signed her up for Sparks this year so along with everything else she's involved in she will have an activity where she is just with other girls her age. I asked her the other day how she was liking homeschooling and she said, "I like it, I get to see my family everyday whenever I want. When I was in school I only had two days on the weekend to see you and even then I had other things I had to do. How do you like it, Mama?" I thought that was very well put and I like it just fine. Although she very rarely complained when she was attending Montessori the one thing that came up from time to time for her was that she didn't get to see me often enough. After Josiah was born that was even harder for her, she wanted to be with us during the day. Is she too attached? I don't think so. She doesn't mind sleepovers and she doesn't need me around if she goes on a playdate. I'm not worried about her. Homeschooling is just an extension of some of the other non-traditional choices we've made as a family. I'm searching for a nanny though to help out during my times of single parenthood. Things are about to get busier as I'm going to be teaching a yoga class to students at the local high school one afternoon a week. We are also getting ready for Hannah's 6th birthday on the 28th of the month. She wanted to have a party and do a Halloween theme this year so we are in the midst of all the preparations for that. There is a lot that goes into planning a spooky Halloween party! Sharon and Todd Cashin and their three boys were by to visit us the other day. You may remember them, we stayed at their place while we were in Kelowna. We had a great visit, the children had fun playing together again. Hannah was so excited to see them again it was all she talked about for a week.

So I've been asked continuously if I plan to relocate to Fort McMurray with the children and the answer is 'no'. I'm not in the 'relocating' mood to begin with and more importantly I don't feel drawn to actually living in The Fort. I enjoyed my time there and although it would certainly be nice to be with Art I just don't feel the pull that I would need to feel in order to pack up my life and move out there. We have a short term plan and if we stick to that we'll all be together again soon enough. It's a big sacrifice, I know that, but for now it's working for us. The children see Art whenever they want to via webcam which doesn't replace being with their father on a regular basis but it sure is better than the way things used to be when dads went away. It's sort of the east coast way of life. Most people I know had a male relative who was either military or a fisherman so you get to know what it's like to spend time away from loved ones in order to maintain a certain way of life. There's a real imbalance in this country and it's kind of sad. Equalization payments you say, well I think we earn them, especially from Alberta. Whole towns disappear out here when people head west to work. The oil wouldn't be coming out of the ground if it wasn't for the blood, sweat and tears of a lot of Atlantic Canadians. The two weeks he spends at home is actually quite a good break, if we plan it right. The key is to not do too much and then it doesn't go by so quickly. That's challenging especially as it depends on what happens when he's home but the summer made up for a lot of time apart as well. Family vacations will be a priority for us from now on.

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