Saturday, July 15, 2006

No Water

Day 3

We slept until 7:00 am I think. It's weird trying to adjust to the time change with children. I can roll over and go back to sleep if I want to and in fact I did want to but not them. Josiah is so cranky. He's having a tough time adjusting to a new place and a new routine, never mind the time change. I picked up some herbs to help him with his frustration and these tantrums before I left but I forgot them on the table at mom and dad's. I have a remedy I can use for him though which I'm using when I'm not locked out of the house!

I managed to get him down for a nap this morning which is great for me because I can finally take a shower. I had a quick bath with them yesterday but Josiah screamed the whole time so it was short. Tub anxiety I guess. He did the same thing at mom and dad's the other night. I guess he doesn't like strange tubs because at home he wants to be in the bath all the time. Anyway, my hair really needed to be washed and I was really looking forward to a shower alone. I sneak around and get everything ready and then standing naked and happy beside the tub I turn the tap on water. What the heck?! I tried again thinking maybe I did something wrong the first time. No, I did it right. I check the sink. Nothing. I run naked through the house checking all the freakin' water! I grab the phone because this is definitely one of those things Art needs to be screamed at for, right! Busy signal. O.K., it's just not to be today.

There was no water all morning. When I finally talked to Art he sounded very amused by the whole thing. It's like a really bad comedy act. We did finally get out, with the key to get back in of course. We went to the Hub. It's a great family resource centre downtown. Lots of programs for the kids, they even get out into the community to some of the parks in the summer. They have tons of toys and puzzles for children of all ages. It's a great place to spend a rainy afternoon.

I'm trying to get Hannah registered for swimming lessons. They have her on a wait list but there's no voice mail or answering machine here, they won't call my cell phone because it's long distance and the one day they were supposed to call and leave a message at Art's work number the phone was down. So I think we may have missed out.

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