Saturday, August 30, 2008


Actually spring wasn't so bad, lots of sun and lots of rain which made for a pretty good growing season. Everything bloomed early or so it seemed to me. We got the end of year recitals and parties out of the way and got right into serious house hunting. It was a lot of work but we finally found the perfect place. I can't believe how quickly it happened and although from beginning to end it only took a month it ended up feeling like forever. We put an offer in on the July 1st long weekend and requested a closing date of Aug. 1. Art only got to see the house once before we moved in and that was after we had made and decided on our offer. My back went out in the middle of this haggling and I was laid up for almost 2 weeks so the amount of time that I spent on getting us out of our old house and into the new one was very little. Somehow we managed to get it done and when Art arrived on the 6th we were already in and getting settled nicely. He only had 2 weeks to come home and enjoy it so I didn't want him to have to be packing and moving so I got as much done as I could.
The place is fabulous, open and bright with lots of space for the kids to play inside and outside. I pushed for an early closing date because there is a pool and I wanted the kids to be able to enjoy it during the best part of the summer. Unfortunately, since Aug. 1 we've had less sun and more rain than July but they are in it everyday anyway. We have a huge yard, which we had on Bissett too but now without the worry of traffic.

I had big plans to do lots of planting this summer but because we were moving I knew there wasn't any sense so I had been holding off. I took an herbal course all winter where I was learning about local plants and their medicinal properties and it was such a wonderful experience that had me excited about expanding on my herbal gardening. I have a new appreciation for the dandelion which I never minded to begin with. The new house has such a fabulous yard with lots of existing plants, some of them herbs and lots of blueberry bushes and I can't wait to add more to it. We've been so busy getting settled in on the inside that I haven't spent a lot of time outside doing much planting but I have done a little. Hopefully I can at least get a few more things in before it gets too cold.