Monday, September 24, 2007

On the beach in Tatamagouche. Hannah, Josiah and 'Ampy' Sam from Toronto.

Loot bags after the annual candy toss at the family reunion in August.

The kids at Art's cousin's place in Tatamagouche. He raises miniature horses.

Sunset at Gulf Shore campground over the Northumberland Strait

Hannah and her cousin Sam from Toronto at the family reunion in August.

At my cousin's wedding in September

A picture of our sitter, Heather, taken this summer by Hannah.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Is it possible that summer is almost over already! I can't believe it. It's hardly fair, summer just doesn't last long enough in this part of the country. I am sad as the long summer days begin to fade into shorter cooler ones as September takes hold but the nice weather isn't over yet. September is always a month of warm weather. I love it actually. Fall is definitely my favourite season. We've actually had some very hot days. It got so hot that we decided to head to the beach. My girlfriend and fellow homeschooler called mid-week and said ,"Let's take the kids to the beach, it's hot!" It was a fabulous idea. The parking lot was empty except for her van and my car and there wasn't another soul on the beach but us. There were a few older people who stopped by for a swim but other than that it was deserted. It seemed so strange on such a hot day and Hannah was amazed to see the beach so empty was a school day! We had the whole place to ourselves and it was such a different experience than being there on a hot summer day when you're fighting for towel space.

I didn't manage to get as much reading done as I'd hoped this summer although I did get through at least two of the books on my list, the two I had mentioned in the spring. 'Wolves in Sheep's Clothing' proved to be the one I would recommend although at times it hurt my brain. It's one of those books that changes your way of thinking about things permanently and in this case it's about American politics which let's face it, affects us all. I read another book in the spring which I felt the same way about called 'The China Study'. I have since told a few people about it but most have asked me to stop and not tell them anymore. I understand that actually, sometimes life is easier if we don't know certain things. But I've read it now and feel like I can't ignore it so I have begun to make drastic changes in the way we as a family eat. Art, unfortunately hasn't read it and doesn't feel compelled to so we're a bit divided. I have also been working on 'The Fiery Cross' from the Diana Gabaldon 'Outlander' series but I have not been able to get through it. I have a feeling it will remain one of the few books that I have started and never finished.

Fall is a lovely season for weddings and we attended one last week. My cousin, Darren, got married in the valley on one of those unbelievably hot days I was talking about. It was 90 degrees in the shade. The ceremony took place outside with an occasional warm breeze blowing by. Art and I were sweat stained as we took turns chasing Josiah around the large yard. Where exactly does he get the energy? He's been the talk of the day, that Josiah, let me tell you. We're all a bit frustrated with his behaviour from biting and hitting to headbutting whatever body part he connects with to throwing things, including himself on the ground or floor and a fierce shriek of anger to growling. Yes, growling. "He's a boy", we keep hearing, "he's two" I keep saying and now he says it whenever he's in trouble for something. So now when you're doing anything from disciplining him to changing his diaper or getting him dressed or shod, he kicks and screams "No, I'm two!" Yes, Hannah is the usual recipient of his outbursts but we've all been on the receiving end of his teeth and he recently bit a friend and threw a boy he didn't know to the floor at Chapter's. I was mortified and very apologetic and he was so upset he threw his hands up to his face and burst into tears. I was so embarrassed and I felt like one of those mothers I've judged a dozen times. You know the ones, with the naughty little boys running wild anywhere in public where they're not supposed to be knocking things over and screaming 'NO' when mommy tries to stop them. And silently you're thinking, she does not discipline that child she's going to be very sorry she spoiled him like that! Yeah, whatever! So, then I'm calmly coaxing him out of the store, slowly because nothing happens quickly when you're trying to avert a tantrum, and I hear someone saying, "Oh he's so adorable, look at those curls. He looks like an angel!" Yeah, if you only knew. It is definitely a testosterone thing, I have no doubt, and as he matures I am sure he will 'grow out' of these behaviours but in the meantime we are on constant high alert. Having a sister on the receiving end of most of this means there is a fair amount of drama involved and sometimes the piercing screams from her make my nerves more raw than dealing with him. I swore that when I had a son I would have let go of all my reverse-sexist ramblings and embrace all things boy but I am entitled to a slip up from time to time: "I think that sometimes too much testosterone causes temporary brain damage!"

The wedding was fabulous and it was so nice to see family I hadn't seen in years. We wait too long to get together. The reception which was at the legion went quickly for us because we took turns eating and being on the run with Josiah. There was no high chair available which meant he didn't sit still to eat in fact I think he ate 3 green beans for supper. We spent our time going in and out the front door and between preventing him from picking up smouldering cigarette butts out of the ash can and hauling him off the monument out front I was getting weary. I would loved to have sat and had a drink and even stayed for a dance and I was even considering it because I knew he'd eventually crash and sleep the whole way home. I had just returned from chasing Josiah around the building when I saw the girls standing atop the monument hanging off it like Kate Winslet and Leo DiCaprio on the prow of the Titanic. I think Gordie and I screamed "Get down!" simultaneously. "Oh my god", I said "your grandfather would have a heart attack if he could see you!" And of course everyone heard me which was when I realized I was exhausted and there would be no dancing that night. Congratulations Darren and Teresa! Thanks for having us.

Art is still working away on the addition to Hannah's room and it's been a slow process. We are making preparations to go to Belgium this month so his uncle takes over for us while we're away. We fly to Brussels on the 24th to stay with my friend and her family in Namur. We met during our time in Cold Lake. We'll do some sightseeing around Belgium with them the first week and then our second week we are venturing out on our own to Paris for 5 days. Hannah and I went to see 'Ratatouille' yesterday which got us both very excited about our trip to Paris. I'm terribly excited although I've been to Europe before this feels like it's my first time. It will be very eventful I'm sure and I will have lots to write when we return. Art is less excited as he is anticipating that Josiah will make it stressful for us but I'm not as concerned. After all, he's only two!